So I decided to start writing stuff on here again...I don't even know if anyone is on here anymore, but really I'm just writing this more for myself.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the lost people around us. As I sit here tonight trying my best to work on homework (clearly it's not working), I keep coming back to these thoughts. At lifegroup last Thursday, Melanie started talking about her family and how she needs to share with them. About how she cannot be silent when her family is going to hell. I couldn’t stop crying throughout the rest of lifegroup. I couldn’t stop thinking about my family. About how much it pains my heart that they don’t know His love. About how right now they are going to hell. I kept imagining us walking around with dead bodies all around us. We stumble over them, focused on what WE need to do or the places WE need to go. While here are these people as good as dead around us. Now I do and have had compassion for the lost, but yet somehow it gets lost in the day to day events. I somehow forget about this heart God has placed inside of me. This heart that is crumbling for those around me. I can’t just ignore the lifelessness surrounding me anymore. I can’t just be complacent. I can’t stand around while people around me are as good as dead.