Restore. Transform. Revive. God is in the business of mending what was broken.
Recently a friend has had the chance to renew this broken relationship with her brother. I've been watching as shattered pieces of their lives begin to mend. As memories of all those years that went by, disconnected, are revealed. Praying that this man really has changed and that their hearts aren't ever broken by this pain again.
And as I watch my heart is filled with joy at this crumbled relationship starting to be restored. At all these tears that I've watched her shed, being wiped away. There is this joy, but this sadness fills my eyes as well, as I look up to the Lord and timidly ask Him, "...but when Lord?" He knows why I ask this question. He knows this pain that still fills my heart. He knows my longing, my pleading for this answer. Nine years...of waiting, of praying, of trying and failing to be still and trust.
"Not yet, my love," I hear Him gently whisper as I fall to my knees. " Just keep looking to Me." There is no more to say, no more to do, but to trust Him. And all that's left for me is to keep trying. Not to question His plan or His timing or why not me, but to simply lift my eyes. My heart struggles to be content as my palms hit the ground and I rise from the cold damp dirt. My hand wipes away the moisture streaming down my face, only to be replaced by more the next second. Willing myself to be strong and buck up, all to find myself crumbling once again. I feel anything but strong.
"Remember where your strength begins, meg," He reminds me. Rising to my unsteady legs again I let my fears and doubts seep from my mind into His hears. Petitioning Him for help. One foot in front of the other, marching on ahead toward Him. I will choose to trust.