Friday, February 5, 2010

Knocking on the door--Feb. 5

Today me and Becca went to the student center to eat and talk to some people. We got our lunches and found a table by a girl. We got into a conversation with her and told her that we were from the Rock. We found out that she had talked to some people awhile back and said that she didn't really like talking about it because it's personal. But we asked her what exactly she talked about then, because we weren't there. She said that she wasn't sure what to think. She had two close relatives die within a year of each other and was angry with God for it. We talked with her a little longer and she said that she knew what we were talking about. She said that in high school she was a really strong Christian and would have been saying the same things that we were. I told her that if she ever wanted to hang out I could give her my number, but she didn't want it. But I hope she thinks more today about God's love and can truly understand how much he cares for her.

We then met another girl at the student center. She was from another country; I can't remember where exactly. We got to talk through a tract with her and tell her about Jesus and what he has done for us. She listened intently as we talked and seemed genuinely interested. I pray that she reads through that tract and surrenders her life to Christ.

Finally we talked with one more girl. She said she had grown up Catholic, but now was just trying to figure things out. I went through the gospel with her and asked what she thought. She said that it made her think more. We gave her a tract, a Rock card, and our numbers. And as we walked out I saw her flipping through the tract.

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."--Revelations 3:20
I know God is knocking on the doors to their hearts. I pray that they open it up to Him.

1 comment:

  1. amen, megan! it is so encouraging to hear your stories! how cool that God directs us to people that need to hear about Him. keep it up!
