Wednesday, June 4, 2014

We're not home yet.

I am a traveler. A wanderer in this world. 

I'm not home. 

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. About how so much of the time we want to be comfortable, or even think we have a right to feel at home. But You tell us in Your Word that we are strangers in this world. I don't have a right to a life of ease and comfort. In fact, you want the very opposite of me. This should not feel like home, because if it does, something is very wrong. Heaven is my home. And until then I will feel out of place. This world will not accept me, because I don't fit into it's mold and that's okay. One day I will be home and that is enough. When we sing songs about heaven, my heart aches for it, but I will wait. And while I wait I will have hope.

SLT has begun. It's weird to write that because it doesn't feel like what I think of SLT as. But honestly, I'm okay with that. It's been three days and I already feel so refreshed by the saints. Now maybe this is just a sweet honeymoon period, and if so, that's okay too, but it's been so good for my soul. I didn't have the greatest attitude coming into it because this is my sixth summer…6th SUMMER doing this ha! And I felt like I was just thrown into it because I'm in Lincoln and still apart of the Rock. But something about that just didn't seem right. The Lord has planned my life…He knows exactly where he has me in each stage of my life, and He knew He would place me here at this moment in my life. The KING of the whole earth planned exactly where I would be. For my good. My Dad, My King, My Lord would not just "throw me in" just because. He has to have a reason and purpose for me in it. And I'm realizing that He has something to teach me too through this, if I let Him. And so I'm choosing to find joy in it…in the craziness of the house full of women, in the self defense lessons we teach each other in the basement, in the meals spent together, in the long long days at work, in the sack lunches that don't quite fill me up, in the busy schedule…there is joy in it. Because you are in it.

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