Sunday, March 21, 2010

Answered prayer, but not quite what I expected

I prayed today that God would give me an opportunity to hand out a tract as I walked back to my dorm that I couldn't miss, like someone walking right by me. So as a man was about to cross my path I thought in my head...okay I have a choice. I would rather it be a girl walking by me, but what if I don't have another opportunity? And clearly God brought someone to me, so I need to obey Him. So I went up to him and asked, "Can I hand you this? The message inside changed my life." He put up his hands and stopped walking and asked, "what is it about?". I started saying "It's about Jesus and..." He cut me off there and threw up his hands telling me, "Don't advertise to me!" I pray that even though he didn't take the tract that that conversation would get him to think about Jesus and what he has done. God wanted him to hear that today.

1 comment:

  1. keep going megan! way to be faithful and obedient to our King!
